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Luo Zongxian

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Luo Zongxian (罗宗贤, born Baoding 1925 - 1968) was a Chinese composer.[1] Among his best known works is the 1955 geju Caoyuan zhi ge.[2]


  1. ^ 梁茂春 百年音乐之声 2001 p342 罗宗贤( 1925 — 1968 》出生在河北省定县一个农民家庭。家境贫寒,自小务农,只有小学四年级的文化程度。 1938 年抗日烽火燃遍华北平原的时候, 13 岁的罗宗贤就参加了八路军。开始做过卫生员、勤务员,工作,后来参加了冀中军区后勤文工队。
  2. ^ Encyclopedia of Contemporary Chinese Culture - Page 307 Edward L. Davis - 2012 "In contrasts to Xiqu (sungdrama) which groups indigenous musical dramatic traditions like Peking opera, Geju is seen as ... Examples of Geju include The Song of the Grassland (Caoyuan zhi ge, 1955) by Luo Zongxian, and The Hundredth Bride (Di yibai ge xinniang, 1980) by Wang Shiguang and Cai Kexiang. Recently China's Third Generation composers (see ....")