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Olga Quiñones Fernández

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Olga Quiñones Fernández (Salinas (Castrillón), Asturias, 1940 - Valencia, June 6, 2014) was a Spanish lawyer and feminist, who was a professor at the University of Valencia, in 1985 being the first president of the Valencian School Board.[1] She was vice president of the Association of University Women (1974–76) since that time she maintains contact with the feminist movement for life.[2][3] In 2012, Olga Quiñones received the "Dona Commitment in Les Politiques d'Igualtat" Prize from Dones Progressistes for her work and her commitment to equality policies.[4]


  1. ^ "La Universitat rinde homenaje a la primera directora de la Unitat d'Igualtat, Olga Quiñones". Universidad de Valencia, 16 June 2014.
  2. ^ "Premio "A. Olga Quiñones Fernández"". Universidad de Valencia, 25 January 2017.
  3. ^ JUAN MANUEL JÁTIVA (2014). "Homenaje a Olga Quiñones, referente en la educación y el feminismo".
  4. ^ "Homenatge a Olga Quiñones, a La Nau". País Valencià, segle XXI. 2014.