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Neagu is a Romanian-language name.

The name is related to Neagoe or Neagoie, a Romanian surname of Bulgarian origin - a variation of the medieval male Bulgarian name Няголь (Niagolь), modern Niagol. The name is derived from the Old Bulgarian and Old Slavic word neaga (care, nurture) and means "caretaker", someone who takes good care of those around him.

One of the oldest attestations of Neagoe as a given name is Neagoe Basarab, Voivode (Prince) of Wallachia between 1512 and 1521, from the old princely family of Basarab (probably of cumanic origin).

People with the surname[edit]

People with the given name[edit]

  • Neagu Bratu (born 1935), Romanian former sports shooter
  • Neagu Djuvara (1916–2018), Romanian historian, essayist, philosopher, journalist, novelist and diplomat
  • Neagu Rădulescu (1912–1972), Romanian prose writer and caricaturist

See also[edit]